2013 Legislative Session Starts Today

Today is an exciting day for us here at CFE/Save the Sound because today kicks off the 2013 legislative session. We are looking forward to working with new and returning state legislators and with our allies at other organizations and in the business community to support good bills that protect our air, water, open space, and Long Island Sound and that create livable, sustainable communities.

Many of our top priorities for this legislative session build upon the successes we achieved last year. This year our top priorities include:

  • Saving energy and cleaning the air by helping prospective tenants get information about the energy usage of homes and apartments they are considering, and encouraging the energy efficiency of public and commercial buildings.
  • Ensuring that the Clean Water Fund has adequate funding to protect Long Island Sound and our rivers from sewage, nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • Working with shoreline communities to adapt to storms and sea level rise in ways that will protect homes, infrastructure, and natural landscapes.
  • Maintaining bus and rail services at reasonable fares, and implementing a system to support transit-oriented development and livable cities.

As always, we’ll also be keeping a close eye on bills that threaten to weaken existing environmental protections.

You can read our full legislative agenda on our website.

Make sure you check back here often throughout the session for updates on what’s going on with our legislative priorities. For further information on the legislative session, you can visit www.cga.ct.gov to check out what’s going on in each committee and chamber and for the full text of bills.

Posted by Laura McMillan, outreach associate, and Rebecca Kaplan, director of communications for CFE/Save the Sound

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