Charitable Giving During the Holiday Season

Individuals account for the vast majority of charitable gifts in the United States – 73 percent in 2011 – and many of those gifts are made in December.

If you’re deciding where you want your year-end donations to go, please consider a gift to CFE/Save the Sound.

Here are just a few examples of the accomplishments our supporters have helped make possible:

  • Our habitat restoration program has restored 72 river miles, 400 acres of lake habitat, 24 acres of native vegetation and 171 acres of tidal marsh.
One of our recently completed habitat restoration projects, the installation of three self-regulating tide gates on the West River in New Haven
One of our recently completed habitat restoration projects, the installation of three self-regulating tide gates on the West River in New Haven
  • We mobilized thousands of people and scores of elected officials in Connecticut, New York and Washington to defeat Broadwater, a massive 20-story liquefied natural gas plant proposed for the middle of Long Island Sound.
Press conference celebrating the defeat of Broadwater in 2008
Press conference celebrating the defeat of Broadwater in 2008
  • We convened and led the coalition that passed the Global Warming Solutions Act, a cap on greenhouse gas emissions in Connecticut; this landmark legislation made our state’s standards some of the strongest in the nation.
  • In the last five years, our Coastal Cleanup program brought together more than 11,000 volunteers who removed over 90,000 pounds of trash from nearly 300 miles of Connecticut waterfront.
Volunteers at Seaside Park in Bridgeport during this year's International Coastal Cleanup
Volunteers at Seaside Park in Bridgeport during this year’s International Coastal Cleanup

Environmental/animal organizations receive only 3 percent of charitable donations.  Please consider supporting our work to protect and improve the land, air and water of Connecticut and Long Island Sound.

If you would like to make a donation to CFE/Save the Sound, you can do so online or by mailing your donation to our office at 142 Temple Street, Suite 305, New Haven, CT 06510.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Posted by Karen Baar, director of development for CFE/Save the Sound

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