Post-Sandy Coastal Cleanups

Yesterday, we announced that our coastal cleanup data was in for the 57 cleanups we helped to coordinate during the spring and fall. What’s special this year is that of the 57 cleanups, two of them were held after Hurricane Sandy ravaged our shoreline.

Silver Sands State Park in Milford after Hurricane Sandy
Silver Sands State Park in Milford after Hurricane Sandy

Thanks to two groups of volunteers, one from Bank of America and the other from Common Ground High School,  2,250 pounds of trash were removed from Silver Sands State Park in Milford and near the West River tide gates in New Haven.

Here is the breakdown for each post-Sandy cleanup:

Silver Sands State Park

  • 12 volunteers from Bank of America
  • 2,000 pounds of trash removed
  • 0.5 miles cleaned
Bank of America volunteers removing debris from Silver Sands after Hurricane Sandy
Bank of America volunteers removing debris from Silver Sands after Hurricane Sandy
Bank of America volunteers removing debris from Silver Sands after Hurricane Sandy
Bank of America volunteers removing debris from Silver Sands after Hurricane Sandy
The full group of Bank of America volunteers at the end of the cleanup
Bank of America volunteers at the cleanup

West River Tide Gates

  • 11 volunteers from Common Ground High School
  • 250 pounds of trash removed
  • 0.25 miles cleaned
West River tide gates in New Haven
West River tide gates in New Haven
Common Ground volunteers picking up trash near the West River tide gates
Common Ground volunteers picking up trash near the West River tide gates
The group of Common Ground volunteers at the cleanup
The group of Common Ground volunteers at the cleanup

We anticipate that our next cleanup season will be more critical than ever, as we begin to clean up the debris left in Hurricane Sandy’s wake. Check back with us in the spring to find out what is in the works.

Posted by Rebecca Kaplan, director of communications for CFE/Save the Sound

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