2012 Coastal Cleanup Data is in!

Save the Sound’s coastal cleanup season has ended and we just finished tallying up our data for the year. It was a great year thanks to our wonderful volunteers.

Seaside Park cleanup volunteers in Bridgeport
Seaside Park cleanup volunteers in Bridgeport

Save the Sound coordinated 57 cleanups this year, including 39 in September and October as part of The Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup. As part of those cleanups, we brought together 2,450 volunteers from around the state who removed 16,310 pounds of trash from 57 miles of Connecticut beaches and riverfronts.

Volunteers from a cleanup at Silver Sands State Park in Milford in March
Volunteers from a cleanup at Silver Sands State Park in Milford in March
Cleanup of Cummings Beach in Stamford for ICC
Cleanup of Cummings Beach in Stamford
Farm River Cleanup in Branford
Farm River Cleanup in Branford
Lighthouse Point Park cleanup in New Haven
Lighthouse Point Park cleanup in New Haven
Ocean Beach cleanup in New London
Ocean Beach cleanup in New London
Boy Scouts picking up trash at Gulf Beach in Milford
Boy Scouts picking up trash at Gulf Beach in Milford

Here is the breakdown of the cleanup season by county:

Fairfield County

  • 25 cleanups
  • 1,277 volunteers
  • 6,567 pounds of trash picked up
  • 21.25 miles cleaned

Middlesex County

  • 3 cleanups
  • 99 volunteers
  • 723 pounds of trash picked up
  • 3.5 miles cleaned

New Haven County

  • 21 cleanups
  • 744 volunteers
  • 7,983 pounds of trash picked up
  • 20.3 miles cleaned

New London County

  • 8 cleanups
  • 330 volunteers
  • 1,037 pounds of trash picked up
  • 11.25 miles cleaned

Thanks again to our volunteers for helping to cleanup our shoreline. We look forward to working with you next season!

Posted by Rebecca Kaplan, director of communications for CFE/Save the Sound

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