This Wednesday: Connecticut Plum Island Public Hearing & Rally

Several months ago, we mentioned that public hearings on the U.S. General Services Administration’s Plum Island Draft Environmental Impact Statement were going to be coming up. Well that time is here!

As we wrote previously, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement, as it stands, recommends a sale of Plum Island without requiring conservation of the mostly undeveloped island. Approximately 750 acres of Plum Island are undeveloped- almost 90 percent of the entire Island. The undeveloped portion is home to many federally endangered and New York State threatened species, including Roseate Terns, Common Terns, Piping Plovers, and Ospreys. The island is also home to the largest seal haul-out in New York and one of the largest in southern New England.

This week, GSA will hold its two public hearings:

Connecticut Hearing: October 17, 2012 at 6 P.M. at the Saybrook Point Inn & Spa (2 Bridge Street, Old Saybrook, CT)

Save the Sound will be joining with Senator Richard Blumenthal, Congressman Joe Courtney, and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro at 5 P.M. before the Connecticut hearing for a rally urging GSA to consider all of the environmental issues regarding the future sale of Plum Island. We hope to see you there!

New York Hearing: October 18, 2012 at 6 P.M. at Greenport High School (720 Front Street, Greenport, NY)

Why is it important to turn out to these hearings?

These public hearings are the forum to make sure GSA hears the message loud and clear: a sale of Plum Island without conservation is unacceptable! That is why we need as many people as possible to turn out and share the message.

We created a Facebook event for the hearing- if you are planning to attend please let us know on there!

Can’t make it to the hearing but want to help?

Great! GSA is accepting public comments by mail, fax, and e-mail until October 26, 2012.

Take a few minutes and write down why you think Plum Island should be conserved. Use our model testimony or talking points as a guide. The more you can put into your own words, the better.

You can submit your comments via:

Email: and

Fax: 617-565-5720

Mail: Phil Youngberg c/o John Dugan, GSA, 10 Causeway Street, Room 925, Boston, MA 02222.

If you have any questions about submitting testimony or attending the hearing, please contact Laura at or 203-787-0646.

Posted by Rebecca Kaplan, director of communications for CFE/Save the Sound

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