Old Mine Volunteer Streamside Buffer Planting

On Saturday, Save the Sound joined the Trumbull Conservation Commission, State Representative Tony Hwang (R-Fairfield, Trumbull), and local volunteers for a streamside buffer planting at Old Mine Park.

Volunteers planting along the Pequonnock River
State. Rep. Hwang planting

The landscape and planting at Old Mine Park is a model Streamside Buffer, which is a recommended “Best Management Practice” in inland wetland and waterway protection. Planting native species on streamside banks helps to reduce soil erosion, to absorb flooding, and to provide shade and cool water for fish and other wildlife. The Old Mine Streamside Buffer includes trees, shrubs, perennials, a stormwater retention pool and a rain garden that help to clean the water by natural filtration before runoff from the road and parking area enters the Pequonnock River.

A sampling of the plants in the streamside buffer

The implementation of the streamside buffer and landscape of trees and shrubs installed by Trumbull Parks Department and Trumbull Conservation Commission and volunteers at Old Mine Park was directed by Park Superintendent Dmitri Paris, approved by the Parks Commission and followed the design and landscape plans of Joanne and Dale Parsons, Landscape Architects. Funds for trees, shrubs and plants, and landscape features, were awarded through a competitive grant program of the Anne S. Richardson Fund to CFE and the Town of Trumbull. The Town contributed an equal share in materials and labor to match the Anne S. Richardson Fund grant and provide a beautiful and functional landscape at the parking entry for Old Mine Park.

You can learn more about our Old Mine project in this Connecticut Post article.

More pictures from the planting can be seen on Facebook.

Posted by Rebecca Kaplan, director of communications for CFE/Save the Sound

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